Premiere Ft Lauderdale Moving Company – 954-712-2312

If you have recently had a local move in Fort Lauderdale to your new home, you may notice a difference in the quality of the air in your new place. It is not too uncommon to notice such a difference that you develop a cough not long after you begin to settle in, and there […]

Moving is nothing but stress for some people! It definitely doesn’t have to be stressful, but if you’re not used to moving every single day and live a particularly busy life, things can definitely get out of hand quick. If you know that you will soon be moving to a new home, the time to […]

If you are in the market for a new house, you may find yourself swimming in a sea of confusion very soon. As relocation experts, your Fort Lauderdale professional movers have quite a bit of exposure to the real estate world and hope that this information will serve you well as you may need any […]

More quickly than some would prefer, the holidays are approaching. This leaves little time for those of us who have yet to finish our holiday shopping! Last minute shopping, just like last minute moving, can have very stressful effects on you. But last minute shopping can have its advantages during the holiday season too! So […]

Glad you asked! Many consumers shy away from hiring movers. The number one reason is usually cost. Many individuals just assume it’s not affordable without obtaining a moving quote. Others receive a quote and figure they can save money by handling their move themselves. A word to the wise…moving is affordable and the heartache and […]

Storage facilities are a great solution when transitioning from one home to another. Some Ft. Lauderdale movers place your items in a bin, while others tag and pad your belongings before carefully placing them in sanitized vaults. I recommend the latter. When you’re ready for your belongings simply call your mover and they will deliver […]

Moving on time is paramount for most consumers. Several moves are contingent upon closings on new homes, time reserved for elevator usage in apartment complexes and so on. I recommend you secure the earliest move possible. If your move is the first move of the day, it’s a strong probability your movers will arrive according […]

The end of the month blues somehow finds its way into renters lives at least once or twice a year. This is the time when most moving companies in Fort Lauderdale phones are ringing non-stop, truck rental companies are out of rentals, moving boxes and other packing materials are a little more costly and renters […]

As with all of your valuables, packing electronics should involve meticulous care. If you’re moving a plasma, stereo, dvd player, computer etc., make sure you have adequate packing materials to secure your valuables for the duration of your journey. Your Ft. Lauderdale mover can supply you with boxes and other materials to assist with your […]

Contact a Ft. Lauderdale moving company immediately. Although this is a three day weekend for most, some moving companies aren’t open all three days. This means the days they are open are probably full. Nevertheless, there are always cancellations and inclusions for last minute moves. Once you secure your moving company, begin the packing process. […]